Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Precautions when Opting for Weight Loss Pills

The use of weight loss supplements is widespread that is not an exaggeration. In recent studies, it was revealed that 76% of dieters opt for these supplements. These are just the survey on those who willingly admit their adherence to these weight loss supplements, though. As much as this fact is quite alarming, we already have an idea that this would come. Indeed, our society has been seeing too many overweight individuals. Moreover, we have also been seeing the number of people diagnosed with obesity and they are continuing to increase over the years.

There are many weight loss pills in the market. Most of these have similar formulations, functions and forms, although some are trying to make innovations in their formulations to innovate weight loss. But as it is, weight loss supplements are almost always the same; in fact, even the claims made by their manufacturers are quite similar to one another.

When using weight loss pills, though, a dieter has to consider what the contents of its formulation are. That said; this means that a dieter has to research on the product that he or she wants to ingest before actually using it. This would ensure safety on the part of the dieter. Ideally, a weight loss supplement should be free from stimulants like caffeine and caffeine-derived substances such as tea extracts and the likes. Although stimulants have a positive effect on mental and physical alertness of an individual, using these in a long-term period and in large doses can lead to inevitable health concerns. Also it ca cause certain side effects such as vomiting nausea, insomnia, and palpitations.

Meanwhile, in terms s of formulation, one ingredient in particular should be avoided by the dieters. This ingredient is called Ma Huang or Ephedrine. Ephedrine is a while substance that is used to relieve the symptoms of asthma and allergy attacks. It can also be used as a weight loss ingredient because it has elements that push for the elimination of fat and the enhancement of the energy. However, Ephedrine was seen to cause fatalities and serious conditions such as heart failure and seizures. As such, the FDA decided to ban this ingredient in 2004.

In spite of banning Ephedrine, some manufacturers of weight loss supplements still keep on using this substance to add effectiveness in their products. Indeed, Ephedrine is effective; it is fast-acting and all that, but if truth be told, it is really quite dangerous. Thus, at this point, our advice for those who want to try out weight loss supplements is to look at the products' labels and check for the presence of Ephedrine. If the weight loss product has Ephedrine, then they should not patronize it for the effects that it may have o the body.

Charles Volcolatte is a health and weight loss researcher for www.skinnyasap.com. He writes and researches actively on Healthy Dieting and shares his knowledge at www.skinnyasap.com where he works as a staff writer.

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Article Source: www.articlesnatch.com

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